Finally, Take the Headache
Out of Renewing Your Florida
Contractor License.

With 12,000+ Contractor Subscriptions sold, it’s an easy and worry-free way to not only get the continuing education (CE) hours to comply with the license renewal requirements but also to make advancements in your career and ensure your credentials are up to date.

The C-Pro and C-Premium Subscriptions are ideal for these professions:

  • Electrical Contractors
  • HVAC Contractors
  • Plumbers
  • Residential Contractors
  • Building Inspectors

C PRO - For construction professionals wanting to renew their license.

C PREMIUM - For Construction professionals wanting to renew their license and take their careers to new levels.



2-year subscription

  • MicrosoftTeams-image (3) Unlimited Access to the Contractor Library
  • MicrosoftTeams-image (3) Dedicated Educational Advisor
  • MicrosoftTeams-image (2) Project Management Courses
  • MicrosoftTeams-image (2) Cybersecurity Courses

Contractor Subscriptions Training Catalog

Customize your learning path and choose from the industry’s most comprehensive training library to make sure you study what is relevant to you. Our innovative course player was created with your lifestyle in mind. It allows you to seamlessly switch between devices, listen to the course in a different language, and is packed with other cool features that will make renewing your license totally headache free. Guaranteed. 

View Catalog

It’s that time again. If you’re here, chances are your license renewal is coming up soon, which means you must satisfy your continuing education (CE) requirements before the end of the month to ensure the compliance with the board rules. The courses must be pre-approved and course completions have to be reported to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR).

Sounds daunting?

We understand. The good news is that all your CE hours might be taken online without leaving the comfort of your home (or your pajamas). RedVector is the leading provider of online continuing education and training for a wide range of professionals.

Our board-approved courses are regularly updated with new content and include tools to manage 100+ licenses and certifications within the commercial sector. We also submit course completions to the DBPR for you so meeting your CE requirements is as easy as it gets.


Architects working in office on construction project

What our customers say

"The courses give me reference material that I look to often, well after completing the course."

“I’ve been taking their Florida Certified Contractor courses for years now. I find the content to be highly relevant and engaging. But most importantly, they made it easy for me to maintain my license. Highly recommend!”

"RedVector has a vast catalog of information and the industrial fleet. It can work for people that work in the office, electricians, mechanics, and they have pretty much something for everyone."



2-year subscription

  • MicrosoftTeams-image (3) Unlimited Access to the Contractor Library
  • MicrosoftTeams-image (3) Dedicated Educational Advisor
  • MicrosoftTeams-image (2) Project Management Courses
  • MicrosoftTeams-image (2) Cybersecurity Courses